Confused About the Many Options at Retirement?

///Confused About the Many Options at Retirement?

Retirement Planning

Confused about the many options at retirement?
Not sure how to take the benefits from your pension?

If you are aged 55 or above and about to take your pension, or if you are already in retirement and contemplating your income options, you should speak to us first.

You could be about to pour thousands of pounds down the drain…

The at-retirement market has undergone significant evolution in terms of product innovation and regulatory change.

Every year, thousands of retirees miss out on higher incomes or – worse still – choose the wrong income product for their needs. Some of these choices cannot be undone.

So, whether it be flexi-access, a level annuity or an escalating annuity, with a guarantee or no guarantee, income drawdown, phased retirement or one of the many new ‘third way’ or fixed term annuities call us today and we’ll make sure you don’t miss out on a better financial outcome in retirement.

We are also proud to be an  ‘Offer More Options’ Advisory firm.  This means we will:-

  •  Discuss and assess your needs, both now and in the future
  • Recommend appropriate income products from the full range available to you
  • Help you achieve a better financial outcome

For an initial discovery meeting to discuss your pension and retirement options call us on 01302 880140. We’d be happy to have a chat.


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